.S N=16 .L L,TEMPL EX .!DRAW .P "You enter a room with an exit at either end and a door in the middle. The middledoor is ; .I N0(16):4 .E P "closed. .T P "open. .$ P .!MORE .P "Pedestals flank the doorway. On the .T P "right pedestal; .T J +4 .I N0(16):2 .T P "ground; .E P "left pedestal; .P " is a stone urn. .!HERE !LOOK .P "The room has exits to the left and rightand a door in front of you. %LOUR .P "It looks like it held hot coals. %GTUR .I N0(16):1 .T P "You already have it. .T J -3 .S N1(16)=N0(16) .S N0(16)=1 .!DRAW .I N1(16):4 .T P "The door closes. .E P "The urn is very heavy. You can hardly move it. .$ P %DRUR .!NURN .T J -2 .S N0(16)=2 .P "You set the urn down next to you. !NURN .!CLRT .I N0(16)#1 .T P "You don't have the urn. DROP URN LEFT PEDES SET URN LEFT PEDES PUT URN LEFT PEDES PLACEURN LEFT PEDES .!NURN .T J -2 .S N0(16)=0 .!DRAW ._ P .!CLRT .P "You set the urn down with a sigh. .$ P DROP URN RIGHTPEDES SET URN RIGHTPEDES PUT URN RIGHTPEDES PLACEURN RIGHTPEDES .!NURN .T J -2 .S N0(16)=3 .!DRAW ._ P .!CLRT .P "You set the urn down on the pedestal. .P "You hear a click as the column moves .P "a fraction of an inch. .$ P .!MORE .S N0(16)=4 .!DRAW .P "With startling swiftness the middle .P "door opens! .$ P DROP URN PEDES SET URN PEDES PUT URN PEDES PLACEURN PEDES .!NURN .T J -2 .P "You must specify which pedestal. PEDIS .!CLRT .P "It's spelled pedestal. INVEN EQUIP .!CLRT .I N0(16):1 .T P "You can't see what you have when you're holding a massive urn. .E %..EQ %FW.. %..EN .I N0(16)#4 .T P "The door is closed. You can't open it. .E 3 ROOM 7.1 .E !GOTO !NOGO .I N0(16):1 .T P "The urn is very heavy, you can't .T P "carry it anywhere. %L... .!NOGO .E S GE(6)=17 .E 3 ROOM 13.0 .E !TUNL %R... .!NOGO .T J -2 .I N0(17):4 .T S GE(6)=100 .T 3 ROOM 16.0 .E S GE(6)=0 .E 3 ROOM 17.0 .!TUNL !DRAW .S P=3-P .C 1,P,0 .B RGHTL .S V=P .D .I N0(16):0 .T B PED1J .E B PED1N .S V=P .D .I N0(16)>2 .T B PED2J .E B PED2N .S V=P .D .B TMPEX .I N0(16):4 .T S CO(15)=4 .S V=P .D ._ P .!CLRT @@@@@